We have spent years studying what it takes to compose the most accurate and understandable construction documents. All too often, other designers and architects spend more time on how it looks verses how do you actually build the item in question. While “form over function” does play a role in architecture, we make sure that everything you see on paper can be reproduced in the field.
Instituting quality control measures such as one person is in charge of the beginning of a project and will oversee and handle every aspect of that project until the conclusion of the project. With our custom design drawings, all aspects including structural drawings are handled internally. This allows us to insure that everything from the foundation to the roof has been scrutinized and drawn by one person.
Gulizia Graphics makes no representation whatsoever of being a licensed architectural or engineering firm. The services provided by Gulizia Graphics are within the guidelines of a “Building Designer”. All plans are prepared and overseen by the specifications of an engineer.